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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hollywood Review

One movie, half a dozen trailers, and several TV sitcoms this last week convinced me propaganda is alive in the entertainment industry.  The common themes were fantasy, mayhem, madness, knife violence and gun violence. Gory and graphic.  Guns, guns; images of multiple people all pointing guns at each other simultaneously. Seeing the scene once would not have aroused my suspicion, but seeing it over and over again,  it did.  Really? Whats the point? If guns represent authority, and they do, then who is in control of a situation like that? Makes the purpose of a gun mute in a way that seems insane.

The anti-gun crowd in Hollywood  can’t get away from guns on the big screen. They follow a copycat script and hammer the images into our brains. Those same movie producers and dark stars call for gun bans when violence erupts in our schools and in our streets.  Hypocrits.

Insidious culture conditioning corrupts and enslaves the hearts and minds of a free people. Don’t be deceived, bad company(influences, associations) corrupt good thoughts and habits. These things are not entertaining in real life but utterly dreadful.  Think of a generation of kids who are fed fantasy, madness, mayhem, and violence every weekday and  weekend but refuse the gospel of freedom on Sunday morning. Where are we going?
This yellow brick road has already led to disillusionment. Can we get back home? Watch out for yourself and your family.

Those screen-writers who feed us these films are already enslaved to darkness and decay and live in the dust and ashes of our current existence yet they know it not. They may live luxuriously for the moment and enjoy a bit of fame but inside their souls they are already dead.  The cold stones over their grave sites will be their only memorials in time. In eternity they won’t be remembered.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Perspectives on the law.

A collection from a friend on Facebook.....

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything." Acts 6:12

"Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness."
--James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1790
Representative for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress

Liberty is freedom with morality. So liberty is much more valuable,..it is a trust, a precious possession, a stewardship,... a right that we are responsible for and will give an answer for. It is so much more valuable than mere freedom. Liberty, second only to life, is a right endowed by our Creator with the capacity for self-government, and it is worth fighting for and even dying for. It is a a part of each of us,... just like our mind, our emotions, our will and our spirit, because it is from God.
Alexander Hamilton said that real liberty is never found in the extremes of Democracy,....we are a Republic, and our Constitution guarantees us a Republican form of Government.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Unique culture

Here is a link to a good article:

"America still has plenty of rifles, at least for the moment. What she lacks is individuals–men and women alike–who seek to turn the aspiration of a “nation of riflemen” into a fact."
And this above quote is partly why I teach the fundamentals of precision marksmanship. Predominately thru Project Appleseed.
Dan Bradford Taos, NM
Here is the link:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

AGCC monthly meeting -- July

Here are some great pictures from our July meeting.
We had a fun demonstration by my Aikido school, here is their link: www.aikikailascruces.com
Dr. Levatino was our guest speaker. Hope to see you all there next time!

~ Bev

Muzzle Flash

Here are some cool pictures I took during a recent night shoot. My brother William is shooting a .357 caliber Colt Python. It looks like a beast at night. You dont really notice it during the day, but when the sun goes down you find that your entire hand is engulfed by a fireball. Cool stuff!!

~ Buck

Looking down range