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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Media Bias Snubs Pro-Lifers

 January 22nd is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, 41 years ago abortion of babies became available. I believe our nation has been going downhill ever since.

 Hundreds of thousands of people showed up at the National Mall to March for Life.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Censored statistics......


(Video) Censored statistics on guns vs. violence: What the media doesn’t want you to see.


Remember the media uses buzz words to distort the facts. Example; the NRA warned us last year that anti-gun propagandist would use gun 'safety' as their buzz word or mantra. What they are really talking about is gun control. That is THEY TELL US how and when and if we can own and operate guns.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Population and the Age of the Earth


"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it..." (Genesis 1:28).
How long have people been living on the Earth? The evolutionist says two million years. The Bible-believing Christian says about six thousand. Who is right?
Statistically, a couple must have 2.1 children to keep a population at the same level. In practice, this means a minimum of three children per family. Let us suppose for a moment that the biblical account of the Genesis Flood, in which just eight people survived is true. Let us further suppose that each family from this point in history had 2.4 children on average. This very modest number will take into account all the deaths through infant mortality, plagues and war. How long would it take to reach today's world population? Surprisingly, the answer is just less than five
thousand years. This figure fits nicely into known historical records.
Now suppose we take the evolutionary view that mankind has been on this planet for two million years and we begin with two people -- or eight, it will make little  difference -- and they also had the statistical 2.4 children per family. We will finish up with a number so impossibly large that the universe itself would not  hold them! Aware of this problem, the textbooks explain it away by speaking of "population stability throughout this time.” This is nothing short of an appeal to a miracle!
Frankly, the biblical account is far more believable.

Creation Moments, Inc.


Unbelief is actually perverted faith, for it puts its trust not in the living God but in dying men. The unbeliever denies the self-sufficiency of God and usurps attributes that are not his. This dual sin dishonors God and ultimately destroys the soul of man.  [A. W. Tozer (1897-1963)]

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Utah gun manufacturer refuses sale to Pakistan | KSL.com Mobile

Utah gun manufacturer refuses sale to Pakistan | KSL.com Mobile
Tina Kincaid
" The He opened His mouth and taught them.....: " Matthew 5:1........
Jesus is teaching about moral strength.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush in 1803:
"The practice of morality being necessary for the well-being of society, He (God) has taken care to impress its precepts so indelibly on our hearts that they shall not be effaced by the subtleties of our brain. We all agree in the obligation of the moral precepts of Jesus, and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses."
Our Founders were believers in God, and His Word, they are our more modern day examples of good leadership. Closer to us in history. We should know them, and our history, and teach it to our children in order to restore and preserve all the blessings of liberty and justice for our grandchildren.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Mexico Alert! Gun tyrants are at it again.

44 is the new 77:
Gun Control Measure Pre-Filed for 2014 Session of the New Mexico Legislature
Anti-gun state Representative Miguel Garcia (D- Bernalillo) has introduced House Bill 44, legislation which criminalizes non-dealer firearm transfers at gun shows and takes the first step towards a universal ban on private gun sales, for the upcoming 30-day legislative session that begins on January 21st.  The bill mirrors the version of House Bill 77 that was being debated on the floor of the state Senate when the 2013 session was gaveled to a close before a final vote on the measure.  To view a copy of HB 44, click here http://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/14%20Regular/bills/house/HB0044.pdf
Although HB 44 contains language that would require improved reporting of persons prohibited from purchasing firearms to the FBI and protect against the development of any registry of lawful gun buyers by state or local agencies, make no mistake: gun control remains the centerpiece of this very flawed bill.  This will be just the first step towards banning ALL private gun sales and transfers - in fact, that's exactly what the original language of HB 77 did when it was introduced last year!  And once the gun control advocates check this scheme off their list, they will move toward gun bans and magazine limits, just like in Colorado. 
For additional reasons why you should be concerned about House Bill 44, please scroll down below.
We expect anti-gun activists and lawmakers to press for consideration of HB 44 during the 30-day session, even though the Legislature is limited to dealing with budget-related items or measures that receive an executive message.  That’s why it’s critical that you contact your state Senator and Representative and urge them to oppose HB 44 and to focus instead on the state’s important fiscal matters. 
Information on how to reach your lawmakers can be found here http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/legislator_search.aspx. 
If you are unsure who represents you, you may enter your address here to find out http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/legislator_lookup.aspx
Please remember to be polite in all your communications with elected officials!
Why You Should Be Concerned About HB 44

· This is just the first step towards criminalizing ALL private transfers of firearms; in fact, as mentioned above, the introduced-version of HB 77 in the 2013 session did just that.  No background check legislation will ever be “universal,” since criminals simply ignore the law.
  · It’s an ineffective crime control proposal.  In April of 2013, PoliceOne conducted a national survey of 15,000 active and retired law enforcement officers of all ranks and department sizes on the topics of gun & crime control.  Nearly 80 percent said that a prohibition on private non-dealer transfers of firearms between individuals would not reduce violent crime.
  · Current laws are not being enforced.  According to a 2012 report to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 72,000 people were turned down on a gun purchase in 2010 because they didn’t clear a background check.  Only 44 of those cases – or just .06 percent – were prosecuted.  Existing laws are not even being enforced and proponents are calling for expanding background checks to cover private firearms transactions.
  · Gun shows aren’t a source of crime guns.  A U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of state prison inmates who had used or possessed firearms in the course of committing their crimes found that 79 percent acquired their firearms from “street/illegal sources” or “friends and family.”  This includes theft of firearms, black market purchases of stolen firearms and straw purchases.  Only 1.7 percent obtained a firearm at a gun show.
  · Most importantly, because a January 2013 internal U.S. Department of Justice memorandum summarizing so-called “gun violence” prevention strategies stated that the effectiveness of universal background checks depends on “requiring gun registration.   Even though HB 44 currently contains prohibitions on the development of a state or local registry of gun buyers, supporters of the bill are likely to eventually claim the need to repeal these important protections in order to enforce its provisions.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

From Dr. Mike Evans, Founder of Jerusalem Prayer Team, Christian Author

This is the Word of the Lord for you in 2014

Dear Bev,

As I fasted and prayed, God laid this message on my heart and in my spirit, and directed me to share it with you today. THIS is the word of The Lord for you in 2014:

Because you love me and have put me first in your life…
Because you have blessed my people Israel, I am going to bless you!
I am going to send you power, peace, and prosperity from my presence

“You are my servant on earth, and Satan will have no power over you, and You will overcome evil with good”

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, for your righteousness is of ME!

Whatever You do will prosper, for You will be like a tree that’s planted by the rivers of water

In 2014, I will meet all of your needs according to My riches in glory

I will guide you in 2014 with My mighty right hand

The light of My presence will show you the way…
I am going to cancel debts and the words spoken against you. I will replace them with dreams and visions for your future

I am with you!
You are not alone!
I am watching over you!
Nothing you are facing has caught me unaware….
Do not fear—Angelic power is on the way!

Because I have conquered Satan, he will not have power to hurt you
You will walk in My peace, strength, prosperity, and protection

This will be your year of “casting”
You will cast all of your cares upon Me because I care for you…
You will laugh in the face of the enemy declaring:

“I could not care less because I have cast all of my cares upon Him”

You will take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against you!
  • “You are an overcomer, and you overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony”
  • “The devil will flee from you because you will resist him in the name of Jesus”
  • “Great will be the peace of your children!”
This will be your year of harvest because of all the seeds you have sown

I am giving you a sunrise gift this year!
Joy will come in your mornings!

The Son of God’s favor will shine brighter on you this year than ever before

For the first time, an anointing of perfect love will flow over you like warm oil…That anointing will cast out all fear…

I have called you friend—you will see the power and privilege of our friendship!

This will be your year to rejoice!
You will see and say:

“My God has overcome the world…Greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world”

You will take the shield of My faith and quench his fiery darts

This will be your year to have a seat at the table!

“You will fully realize that YOU are seated with Christ in Heavenly places”

Hidden treasure in you shall spring forth

Fullness of joy is coming to you from MY right hand and presence…!

I am going to baptize you in My Favor!

I will cause you to have favor this year, even with many of your enemies

I have a surprise for you this year, especially concerning the loved ones for whom you’ve been praying!

You will abide in Me and conquer in My strength!

In 2014, you will declare loudly, “My God is my healer, and I was healed by His stripes!”

You will Arise and shine, arise and shine, for the glory of The Lord is going to come upon you in 2014…

He will be to you a mighty and marvelous God!
He will speak rest, peace, and revelations over you!