Open letter to Lynn Ellins, Dona Ana County Clerk.
Dear Mr. Ellins,
Your decision to
grant marriage licenses to same sex couples was made apart from wise council. It was made apart from the will of the people,
apart from the laws of our land and apart from the laws of nature and nature’s
God. You acted apart from tradition, all of human history and apart from the
faith most of us hold dear. How did you come to disrespect all that and us, the
I dare say the
large majority of your constituents hold these things to be self evident. How
do you not see it? Did you surround yourself with people who constantly whine
about how unfair their life is? They want legal rights that really have nothing
to do with the true reason for marriage….that of raising safe, healthy children
who are provided the best a father and mother can give, socially and financially.
These laws were derived from the people as it says in the Constitution of New
Mexico. That is the legal reason for marriage. It is God’s design and it works.
It builds a strong society.
Now you can tear
it down, but you can never build it. It took moral giants like our Founding
Fathers to give us this great American freedom and peace we have enjoyed. George Washington, for example, refused to
allow men to bathe naked at or near the Bridge in Cambridge. It was complained that many men
were lost to all sense of decency and common modesty.
Prudish you say? Maybe, but what we have now causes problems
especially with our youth. The foundation of our nation gave us this culture of
freedom. It is a Christian culture.Apart from it you will be controlled in
every detail of your life by government bureaucrats. Yes plenty of authoritarians such as yourself
can do fiats of law to suit their every whim and you will find out you don’t
agree. It won’t matter.
It’s probable,
Mr. Ellins, that you grew up in a safe and wholesome culture. Sodomy and
adultery were illegal and our mores would have been offended by co-habitating
out of wedlock and sex before marriage. Divorce was rare. Forty years ago the sexual revolution allowed
us to throw off the restraints of the responsibility of commitment. Make no mistake, all that opened the door to the
extreme homosexual behavior we see today. Just look at the consequences. Abortion,
rampant std’s, AIDS, fatherless children,
abused children, rape, pornography, divorce…..
America was
great because she was good. Why change our glory? You push all the foundations of
liberty out then you will no longer enjoy the blessings of prosperity and peace.
There will be no solutions, only consequences.
A storm is brewing…..get ready to ride.
Sincerely, Bev Courtney
Founder & President American Gun Culture Club
Vice President Las Cruces Tea Party
Secretary Dona Ana County Right to Life

We believe in the greatness of the United States of America.
We believe God gave us freedom and liberty through the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.
We believe that life is the first inalienable right. That families by God's design make strong societies, and Christianity brings true freedom.
We believe in the culture of an armed society that is well trained and competent. That society protects all of us and keeps our freedom and liberty.
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