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Friday, February 14, 2014

IRS, What is social welfare?

SylviaBokorComments:  A. As of 11:59 P.M. February 12, the total number of comments regarding IRS Reg-134417-13 ruling was 24,223 -- up from 23,334, an increase of 889 comments overnight.   I have no idea how many comments will stop the  IRS ruling. But one thing seems pretty clear: while this is yet another impressive jump upward, it may be too little too late.
Several things are working in the IRS favor.  One of them is a group of Senate Democrats, up for re-election and fearful of their position. They are urging the IRS to take more stringent measures. 
One of the paragraphs identifying the IRS Reg-134417-13 ruling states that "This document contains proposed regulations that provide guidance to tax-exempt social welfare organizations on political activities related to candidates that will not be considered to promote social welfare.
The IRS does not bother to explain why it has the authority to decide what the "social welfare" shall be.
If you ask what does the government -- i.e., politicians and bureaucrats -- believe promotes the "social welfare," they will chorus that taking money from the earners and giving it to those who did not earn it is "social welfare." 
It is not social welfare to recognize the welfare and right of the earner to keep what he earns.
They will tell you that constructing for some a "poverty line" by government edict is social welfare. 
It is not social welfare to recognized the welfare of taxpayers that subsidize those below the politicians and bureaucrats' idea of poverty. 
They will tell you that forcing employers to pay salaries based on their say-so, is social welfare. 
It is not social welfare to recognize the welfare and property rights of the productive who provide the salaries.
In other words, anything politicians and bureaucrats do is social welfare.
Any private sector activity that calls for honest politicians and limited government, which protects all Americans is not social welfare.
Ergo, we have the notion that political activity of those Americans concerned with the welfare of our Republic does not promote "social welfare."
This point of view is ludicrous,  It is also a dangerous premise held by those bureaucrats and politicians who advocate passage of further restrictions on non-profits.

B. On February 13, the National Tea Party reported 40,247 members.  The growth continues.  One wonders why all 40,000 of them have not commented on the IRS ruling.  Perhaps the cause of indifference is the focus of its members.
On the same day, the NTP site posted an article, "McConnell provides key vote as Congress approves debt increase."  This title was followed by the remark;  "McConnell just sold out Conservatives."  I posted the following comment on the NTP site..
McConnell betrays conservatives?   How about every other American?  A lot of Americans do not consider themselves conservatives.   But they are for free markets, upholding the constitution and limiting government.

Today, the identity of "conservative" is as jumbled and confused as is the identity of "liberal."  Besides which it's self-defeating to make the effort to rein in government a solely conservative cause.  It is not. 
We have a 2014 election facing us. We must appeal to an electorate some of whom do not consider themselves conservatives. We are not going to make significant strides if we isolate ourselves into a camp that does not include all Americans.
It is more fruitful and more widely inviting if one names the principles that guide us -- such as individual rights, limited government and free markets.  Let the Retrogrades  (AKA "Progressives") yell about their totalitarian goals.  We must come together as Americans for freedom.
McConnell, in my judgement, is an careerist politician, an establishment Republican that must be voted out of office. There is a good possibility that he will be. 
I should have added that McConnell's vote is a vote for bigger and less responsible government.  It is a vote against the welfare of all Americans.

make a comment by sending  me your comment in an e-mail.  Title it "Bulletin Board"  and the subject you're commenting on.  For instance, "ObamaCare."  
This lets me know that (a) you want the comment posted and (b) that I have your permission to post it. Then I will copy paste it into the next available edition.

Sylvia Boker
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