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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Blessings from Above, 2013

Greetings to All Our Patriot Friends! 
Some of you I have just now added to our e mail list. If you choose not to be on it, advise me and I will remove it right away. 

I want you to know that you are in my prayers for peace and goodwill among us. You all know that I believe our faith in Jesus Christ is exclusive. He is the way, the truth and the life. Apart from Him their is no light and life. John 1; 4,"Life itself was in Him and this life gives light to everyone."

I wrote this message about three Christmas's ago for a friend. The message transcends time because God dwells in eternity where time has a beginning and an end. I hope you are blessed.

Isn't Christmas about Promise?

      First and most important, the promise that we are loved, so richly and purely. Priceless! But there is so much more.... that right will prevail. That truth exist. That life is everlasting. That there are rewards for doing good and punishment for doing evil. Justice was established and is written in our hearts. There is a God in heaven and He came to live on earth in a most humble and helpless way so He could be like us. 
      Yes, God is intimately involved with mankind! He made all of the heavens and the earth, complete with the sun, the moon, and stars; mountains, hills, valleys; rivers, seas, oceans; clouds, rain, rainbows. All this for us! Who else could imagine such beauty? Who can speak of all the innumerable living creatures with myriad characteristics of creation? Even so, God's crowning glory is mankind!

     Because He became  human in a most humble state, even though Jesus was God's One and Only Son, He learned obedience from the things He suffered. He became the source of everlasting light and life for all who obey Him. 
Simeon, whom Scripture calls righteous and devout prophecied about Jesus saying, "I have seen the Saviour you have given to all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and He is the glory of your people Israel!" Luke 2: 30-32. Through Him we are rescued from the sin and the law. Still today He is a source of controversy within our hearts and without. He is able to deal gently with people, though they are wayward and ignorant of holiness. 

     Even as that is the ultimate promise....it is better still!  In our days living under the shadow of death, He promises to be faithful and true.To be our constant companion and helper, our comfort and healer, our provider, our counselor, our peace. He is even more for the one who will search Him out, the treasure hunter.  Unbelievable? Luke 1:37, "Nothing is impossible with God."

     And Jesus Christ is our King! His kingdom is coming! He promises to rule forever with fairness and justice. The world will be in peace. 

     Because I am His passion....He has become my passion. That is why I sing, "Glory to God in the Highest Heaven and Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men." Luke 2:14

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
American Gun Culture Club

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